I can't beileve it is that time again!

I can't beileve it is that time again!

Our Little Snow Angel

Our Little Snow Angel

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bad Weather!!!

Everyone is getting nasty weather all over. I liked it better when it was 80 degrees last week. This week we have hail and thunder and lots and lots of snow, oh and didn't I mention the wind. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I missed the first round of hail, they were a lot bigger than the pea size ones.

Topeka Zoo

Something smelled....might have been the animals.

If you have seen one animal you have seen them all, but the zoo is still one of our favorite places to go.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Birthday To My Favortie Ladies

My first attempt at making flowers, they aren't that great, but oh well. Grandma and Geri loved their cake and that's all that matters.

Grandma and Aunt Geri had February birthdays, so I made a cake and we all went out out to lunch.

Shane's Pioneer Program

It is so hard to get a family picture these days.

Shane was in charge of drawing the coyote's, this was one of them.