I can't beileve it is that time again!

I can't beileve it is that time again!

Our Little Snow Angel

Our Little Snow Angel

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Row Row Row Your Boat

The kiddies had a good time playing in the canoe. It made for a good picture moment. Alyssa did try to abondon ship or canoe as the case may be.
There is a great fascination with sticks, I think Shane's ended up in the car.

Another Day at the Zoo

Shane and Alyssa love going to the zoo. Especially now that Alyssa can ooh ooh everything. Alyssa was a little scared of the goats, but from a distance she was fine. She did start to get a little more curious once Shane started petting them. I thought I could get a picture of her and the goat, but that was a definite no way. There is a tunnel in the middle of the aqurium, that the kids loved the best. They can chase each other round and round.

Oatmeal Everywhere

Alyssa is not too fond of any kind of baby food, but occasionally likes oatmeal. Shane was always very independent and liked feeding himself, but Alyssa is not as skilled as you can see.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Playing at Auntie's

Look closely, how many people can you fit in a car??
Shane being silly!!!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Morning Hair

Wait that is what Noah's hair looks like all the time!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Baking and Bubbles

While nana was here Shane and Alyssa got to do a lot of baking. They made yummy cinnamon rolls. After some good baking time, Alyssa got to chase bubbles with daddy. Yes even daddy blows bubbles.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter Fun

Coloring of the Eggs

Coloring Easter eggs is always fun. Shane showed Alyssa how it is done. We had a few spills and one giant spill, but that is why we color eggs outside. Then of course there is The HUNT. Since this was Alyssa's first official egg hunt, she watched the kids make a run for it and caught on fast. We had our friends over that is Mariah and Marcus. They were battling for eggs, but everyone had a lot of fun.

The Hunt

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Alyssa loves her starches. Anything that is a noodle, especially spaghetti!! She does pretty good with her fork, but mainly likes to hold the fork in one and use the other hand to shove food in her mouth.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oldies but Goodies

Since I am such a late blogger, I thought I would add some of my favorite pictures of the kids.