I can't beileve it is that time again!

I can't beileve it is that time again!

Our Little Snow Angel

Our Little Snow Angel

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Field Day

I was so impressed with field day, they all sat very patiently and waited their turn. Field day was in the morning with K-3rd grade. They were called one section at a time. They switched off partners for different events. The first event was leap frog, Shane and James were practicing proper technique. Then came the two legged race, which is easier said then done. But falling is more fun anyway.

Then came the burlap sack race. I am not quite sure why I missed the jumping picture.

Then the relay race, Shane was the second leg.

Last but not least the water balloon toss , Shane and his partner won, that balloon just did not want to break. I think they lucked out.

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