I can't beileve it is that time again!

I can't beileve it is that time again!

Our Little Snow Angel

Our Little Snow Angel

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Shane's Team

This is Shane with his team first in Kuwait, the guys by the tank and then the rest of the pictures they were in Iraq. There is a picture of Shane and Maj McDermott who is the other team leader. Also pictured is General Patreas, who went out on a patrol with them.

Happy 2nd Birthday

Alyssa celebrated her second birthday. Mommy was very under the weather with strep throat, so I will have to start making cakes again next year. We had dairy queen cake with a picture of Alyssa on it, it's a monkey. I think my monkey has the longest tongue in the world. She was also bound and determined to roll on that balloon, thank goodness it didn't pop.


I know I am really far behind, but everyone knows how hectic the holidays are. These aren't the best pictures, but we were all very tired, but the kids loved their presents from Santa.